"The Unnamed Island: The Hagseed and the Wizard", the flagship production of the 2022 Taiwan Traditional Theatre Festival, is a collaborative production between Ming Hwa Yuan Tianzi Art & Cultural Group and Shakespeare’s Wild Sisters Group. The lead actors from Tianzi Group include Chen Chen Chao-Hsiang, Chen Li-Chiao, Sun Shih-Wen, Chen Chin-Hsin, and Wu Yi-Hsuan, with rising star Li Pei-ying and modern theatre performers from Les Petites Choses Production crossing over into the cast.
Inspired by Shakespeare's supernatural tale "The Tempest", "The Unnamed Island" tells the story of an abandoned man-made island where a magician, Dongfang Ying-han, exiled to the island, has established a kingdom where humans, monsters, and spirits coexist peacefully. However, the magician harbors a deep desire for revenge. With the help of the spirits Lannan and Guan Ruoyin, he conjures a storm to bring his old enemy Dongfang Chaoyang, who betrayed him years ago, to the island. The economic value of the island leads Chaoyang to attempt to seize it, disrupting the established order. Meanwhile, Qu Liusao, a new species that is half-human and half-monster, has the rightful claim to inherit the island and has become its new idol. Upon discovering his true origins, he incites the island’s monsters to launch a revolution, sparking a battle for the island's inheritance.
Building on the framework of "The Tempest", "The Unnamed Island" further weaves together various elements of Shakespearean plots, echoing the fierce energy and inclusivity of traditional Taiwanese opera (gezai opera), making the "Hu Piau Tze" (foreign influence) truly a stage spirit. Thematically, the play subverts human-centric ethical and moral judgments, attempting to establish an ecological system centered on the perspective of monsters. It explores the boundaries of emotions, desires, gender, and the body, asking, "What is nature?" and "How can we redefine nature?" The original themes of forgiveness and reconciliation in The Tempest are transformed into a reflection on how, in the face of environmental devastation caused by human development, humans can coexist with nature. What visions do we hold for the future of the island?
Taiwanese opera has always been bold in stepping out of its comfort zone and has embraced innovation without hesitation. Ming Hwa Yuan Tianzi Troupe has been a trendsetter in this regard. This time, in collaboration with Shakespeare’s Sister, the troupe has incorporated modern dancers and actors. Although the distinctive style of Shakespeare’s Sister is still evident, Ming Hwa Yuan Tianzi Troupe, with its strong cast and skilled performances, matches up equally, creating a highly successful cross-disciplinary hybrid work in recent years.