
Six Memos for the Next Millennium—Movements

Tiny Alice Theatre, Tokyo

Six Memos for the Next Millennium – Movements is created by Director WEI Ying-chuan, in collaboration with Japanese composer and director Satoh Kashow, as a theatrical experiment and extension of the writer Italo Calvino’s famous work Six Memos for the Next Millennium. As Calvino meditates on the essentials of literature in his work, Wei and Satoh reconsider and explore the elements of literature in Movements. Focusing on the dialectical relationship between the visual, physical texts and the audio, musical structures of theatrical expressions, Movements aim to rediscover the necessary values and characteristics of theater today.

Tiny Alice Theatre, Tokyo
2001 Art Center, Kyungsung University, Busan
2001 Crown Arts Cente
2001 Hong Kong Arts Centre
2001 Experimental Theatre, Shanghai
2002 Theatre Studio, Esplanade Singapore
2002 Spring Wind Art Theatre
2003 North Theater, Beijing
2003 Kobe Art Village Center
2004 Centre Culturel de Taiwan a Paris

Director:WEI Ying-chuan
Cast:JUAN Uen-ping, CHOU Jung-shih, MA Chao-chi, Fa, HSU Yen-ling
Stage Design:HUANG Yi-ju
Light Design:CHENG Yuan-hui
Costume Design:LI Ta-chi
Music Composition:Satoh Kashow
Vocal:Tochimura Yukiko